893.24/1452a: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Gauss)

960. The following from Stettinius for J. Franklin Ray. Through UTC34 we have received numerous requests from various agencies in China to ship cash purchase material now being stored here to India. Although tonnage involved is greatly in excess of air transport capacity each agency has assured us that it will be able to arrange air transport into China.

[Page 588]

Will it be possible, in China, to investigate the possibility of clearing all such requests through a central agency or through Air Transport Priority Board for approval subject to limitations of emergency air program?

It is the policy of the War Department that unless it can be put into operational use in the near future no stock pile of material shall be accumulated in India. We follow War Department’s policy. Before additional indirect military supplies will be shipped from the U. S. we must receive indications of ability to move material into China. This is necessary in view of the large stockpile in India.

Will you be able to supply information regarding Air Priority Board as follows: 1—Membership; 2—How it functions; 3—General priority list?

With his party Dr. T. V. Soong is departing for China immediately.

We are interested in having accurate monthly reports covering air cargo shipments between China and India with an indication of the type of cargo. From what source can we get this information?

In Chungking, what confirmation have you concerning Soviet agreement to permit Chinese lend-lease material to be transported to China from India by way of Turkestan-Siberian Railroad and Sinkiang Highway?35 [Stettinius.]

  1. Universal Trading Corporation.
  2. For further correspondence on this subject, see pp. 591 ff.