740.0011 Pacific War/2429

The Chinese Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the Chinese Embassy 66

Please consult the American Government on the following scheme of propaganda vis-à-vis Thailand: The Generalissimo67 to issue at first opportune moment a declaration of China’s attitude towards Thailand emphasizing these points. First, the Allied Nations believe that Thailand’s conclusion of alliance with Japan and declaration of war on Great Britain and the United States were done under Japanese [Page 33] coercion as they took place after the landing of Japanese troops at Thailand. They regard Thailand only as Japanese-occupied territory and cherish no malice or enmity toward the people of Thailand. When opportunity offers, they will help the people of Thailand to remove Japanese oppression. Second, the Allied Nations have no territorial designs at Thailand nor cherish any desire to impair her independence. Third, the Allied Nations hope that the people of Thailand will not be the tool of Japan, as nothing but Allied victory will ensure sovereignty and territorial integrity of Thailand.

  1. Copy of telegram handed on April 18 by the Counselor of the Chinese Embassy (Liu Chieh) to the Assistant Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Smyth).
  2. Chiang Kai-shek, Supreme Allied Commander in the China Theater and President of the Chinese Executive Yuan (Premier).