840.51 Frozen Credits/2818: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Counselor of Embassy in China (Butrich), at Peiping

133. Your 195, July 31, 6 p.m.9

While the Department of course desires that in cases mentioned in its 132, July 31, 5 p.m., representations continue to be made with the [Page 787] local Japanese authorities and with the Japanese Embassy at Peiping, the Department desires that in regard to freezing or census regulations put into effect by Japanese or Japanese-sponsored authorities, officers for the present as a general rule subject to exceptions in the discretion of the Embassy merely report such measures without actively opposing them or attempting to have them modified. The Department desires that you instruct consuls to advise Americans seeking information that, although they are under no legal obligation to comply with whatever freezing or census regulation the Japanese or their instrumentalities may institute, American citizens themselves must judge whether it appears necessary or expedient to do so, and further that if Americans submit lists of property they should, if possible, submit such lists directly to the Japanese or Japanese-sponsored authorities requiring them, and file copies with the American consulate for possible future reference.
The new Executive Order 8389, as amended,10 extends to China and Japan the usual freezing controls. Although certain general licenses have been issued permitting the carrying on of trade with China, all transactions by, with, or on behalf of Japan are subject to individual license by the Treasury Department. Under General License number 11, as amended, all foreign nationals having blocked accounts in the United States may for the present withdraw as much as $500 each month for living, traveling, and similar personal expenses in the United States. This applies to all Japanese nationals in the United States, including consular officers and employees, but no special provision has been made for consular officers and employees. The question of special provision for the official accounts of Japanese officials in the United States is at present under consideration. You will be informed when a decision is reached. Meanwhile, should you consider that it would serve a useful purpose you are authorized to inform local Japanese and Japanese-sponsored officials in a personal and informal manner of such part of the contents of this numbered paragraph 2 as may seem advisable. Please convey the information and the authorization contained in this paragraph to the consuls.

Sent to Peiping. Repeated to Chungking and Shanghai. Peiping please repeat to Tokyo.

  1. Not printed.
  2. 6 Federal Register 3715.