
The Secretary of State to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget (Smith)

My Dear Mr. Smith: Reference is made to the Department’s letter of November 8, 194154 with which there was transmitted an estimate for an allocation of $150,000 to be made to the Department of State for the fiscal year 1942 from the Emergency Fund for the President for the purpose of permitting the Department of State to initiate a cultural relations program with China.

It is understood that the Bureau of the Budget has raised the question of the emergency character of the cultural relations program in question. In the opinion of this Department there is a definite emergency involved. The Government of the United States has recognized that China is struggling against aggression by a foreign power and it is the declared policy of the Government, enunciated by the President and other high officials, to aid China in every appropriate and practicable way. Aid extended to China under the provisions of the Lend-Lease Act has been limited by the needs of our own defense program as well as by the limited nature of transportation facilities. The Chinese have now been fighting for over four years and are naturally war-weary and in urgent need of every encouragement and help. We have been unable to meet many Chinese requests which we should wish to meet. It accordingly seems to us all the more imperative that we should utilize such means as are in our power to support and raise the morale of the Chinese people. It is believed that the institution of the cultural relations program with China is a method by which we can without delay take concrete and effective action to support and raise the morale of the Chinese people. It is, therefore, strongly urged and recommended that the request for the allocation of $150,000 be given prompt and favorable consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Cordell Hull
  1. Not printed.