394.1115/126a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)

669. The Counselor of the Japanese Embassy was asked to call at the Department on October 14 and during the course of a conversation with an officer of the Department the latter referred to the fact that one of the announced purposes of the visit to the United States of the three Japanese Government requisitioned vessels now scheduled to come to this country was to bring from Japan to the United States American citizens who might desire to take the opportunity offered to return to their homeland. The officer said that we had received reports in regard to the multiplicity of permits required by the Japanese authorities of American citizens desiring to depart from Japan and suggested that it would seem desirable, especially as such short notice was being given to Americans to make necessary arrangements, that the departure of American citizens be facilitated in every possible way. He expressed this Government’s hope that the Japanese Government would take steps to see that procedure enabling American citizens to depart from Japan would be expedited. He added that he felt sure that Mr. Iguchi would recognize the desirability of avoiding any situation arising over delays in procedure attending the departure of American citizens which would cause an unfavorable public reaction in this country.

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Mr. Iguchi said in reply that he fully appreciated the importance of this matter and would take it up with his Government.
