393.1115/5017a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)
601. Dairen’s 50, September 11, 11 a.m., and 51, September 12, 1 p.m.,39 departure of Americans from Dairen. Supplementing the Department’s 582, September 10, 9 p.m., the following information is given in regard to the treatment which was accorded Japanese passengers who left San Francisco on the President Taylor, September 9:
Diplomatic officials among these passengers were allowed to take with them without a permit up to $1,000; others up to $200. There were no restrictions on the personal effects, on the foodstuffs, or, where no question of violation of postal laws or of the Federal Espionage Act40 was involved, on the papers and records which these passengers took with them. They were also allowed to take without restrictions merchandise up to $25 in value, but a license was required to carry out any article of merchandise valued over $25. A general “spot check” (perfunctory inspection) of baggage was made except where the Customs had reasons to be suspicious, when they went through the baggage thoroughly.
In this connection the High Commissioner at Manila has been asked to repeat to you his 401, September 12, 6 p.m.,41 concerning the denial by Japanese sources of charges of harsh treatment of Japanese leaving the Philippines and concerning the unmolested call at Davao of the Kashima Maru.
The Department desires that you bring the case reported in Dairen’s telegram under reference to the attention of the Foreign Office, contrasting the obstructive tactics and studied severity of the Dairen police (and other like cases on record in your recent files) with the expeditious, generous and courteous treatment accorded departing Japanese by American and Commonwealth authorities.
Sent to Tokyo via Shanghai. Repeated to Chungking and Peiping.