740.0011 P. W./271: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Leahy) to the Secretary of State
[Received 5:35 p.m.]
919. Embassy’s telegram 911, July 19, 1 p.m. Admiral Darlan has just sent me word that, in view of the “extremely strong insistence” of the Japanese Ambassador and threats of immediate action, the French Government has to its great regret found it impossible “to gain any further time” in its endeavors to forestall or postpone Japanese occupation of Indochina. In view of this insistence, Admiral Darlan said: “There is nothing for the French Government to do but to submit.” It is, however, asking the Japanese Government to make a public declaration that it will “respect the territorial integrity of Indochina and French sovereign rights over the Colony”; that furthermore, after the “emergency” is over, Japanese troops will evacuate Indochina. The foregoing is being communicated to the Japanese Ambassador this afternoon, he said.
We learn from Rochat1 that the Japanese pretext was based on an alleged “menace” to Indochina, but did not specify the nationality of the power or powers supposedly threatening the colony. The demands we are told were “extremely abrupt” and did not specify exactly what points in Indochina the Japanese propose to occupy or the exact date of the proposed occupation. The French admit to us, though, that they will probably include Haiphong, Camranh Bay and a number of other points. The details and points of occupation are to be discussed in local negotiations on the spot with Governor General Decoux.
[Page 221]We asked whether Admiral Darlan knows yet whether Germany is supporting the proposed Japanese occupation of Indochina and were told that “it has been impossible so far to ascertain the German position”; that Benoist-Mechin was sent to Paris yesterday but “has apparently not yet been able to establish contact” with the appropriate German authorities.
Repeated to Algiers.
- Charles Rochat, Secretary General of the French Foreign Office.↩