Chapter IV: August 21–October 2, 1941

Netherlands inquiry as to military cooperation in Pacific (August 21); Prime Minister Churchill’s broadcast of August 24; Secretary Hull’s counsel in regard to proposed British “ultimatum” to Japan (August 30); Ambassador Grew’s plea for gesture by President Roosevelt to Japanese people (August 30); Secretary Hull’s reassurance to China (September 2, 4) and review of disagreement in conversations with Japan (September 4, 9); Secretary Hull’s review of policy for French Ambassador (September 16); Ambassador Grew’s recommendation against delay in conversations (September 19); receipt of Japanese “basic peace terms” for China (September 23); President Roosevelt’s views on September 28; Ambassador Grew’s telegram favoring acceptance of Prince Konoye’s offer to meet President Roosevelt (September 29)

[274] The Netherlands Minister (Loudon) to the Secretary of State

740.0011 Pacific War/480

[275] The Counselor of Embassy in China (Butrick) to the Secretary of State

740.0011 P. W./465: Telegram

[276] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

711.94/2186: Telegram

[277] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

711.94/2187: Telegram

[278] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)

740.0011 European War 1939/14094: Telegram

[279] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

740.0011 Pacific War/467: Telegram

[280] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)

740.0011 European War 1939/14364a: Telegram

[281] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

741.94/500: Telegram

[282] The Ambassador in China (Gauss) to the Secretary of State

740.0011 European War 1939/14459: Telegram

[283] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

740.0011 European War 1939/14403: Telegram

[285] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)

711.94/2187: Telegram

[286] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

861.24/569: Telegram

[288] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Joseph W. Ballantine


[290] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)

861.24/569: Telegram

[291] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

861.24/576: Telegram

[292] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

861.24/578: Telegram

[293] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

711.94/2215: Telegram

[294] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

740.0011 Pacific War/483: Telegram

[295] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

861.24/581: Telegram

[296] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

740.0011 European War 1989/14515: Telegram

[297] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State

740.0011 European War 1939/14631

[298] Memorandum by the Adviser on Political Relations (Hornbeck)


[299] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

711.94/2223: Telegram

[301] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Gauss)

711.94/2231a: Telegram

[302] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State


[303] The Ambassador in France (Leahy) to the Secretary of State

740.0011 European War 1930/14643: Telegram