740.0011 European War 1939/9302: Telegram

The Ambassador in Turkey (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

79. The following is a translation of a communiqué to be published in Turkish at Angora and in Russian at Moscow as soon as agreement on time of release has been reached (probably tomorrow) and it is meanwhile confidential.

“Declarations have recently been exchanged between the Turkish and Russian Governments; in consequence of news appearing in the foreign press to the effect that if Turkey were constrained to engage in war the Soviets would take advantage of the difficulties which she would have to confront by themselves attacking her; and in connection with a question asked on this subject the Soviet Government has informed the Turkish Government as follows:

This news does not correspond in any way with the position of the Soviet Government.
In the event that Turkey should actually be the object of an aggression and that she should find herself constrained to engage in war for the defense of her territory, Turkey could, in conformity with the existing nonaggression pact between her and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, count in that case upon the entire understanding and neutrality of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The Turkish Government has expressed to the Soviet Government its most sincere thanks for this declaration and has made known to it that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for its part in the event of finding itself in a like situation could count upon the entire understanding and neutrality of Turkey.”
