740.00119 European War 1939/771: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Leahy) to the Secretary of State

856. Rochat says that the French reply to the British armistice conditions will be transmitted to us this afternoon. He said that the [Page 770] conditions had caused “the most painful impression everywhere in Government circles” (and we find that this is true even among our pro-British friends in the Foreign Office) and that the reply would be negative. No government he said could sign an agreement to abdicate political rights over Syrian territory in armistice negotiations as implied in the British communication.

The British conditions he said are to be published promptly for the Government “must show the public why the armistice terms are not acceptable.” Meanwhile General Dentz is to be instructed to “make the best arrangement he can on the spot.”

In reply to our question, he said that he did not believe that these “astonishing conditions demanded by the British” would produce direct repercussions outside of the Syrian area. They show, however, he feels, a complete failure to understand “the psychology of the situation.”

Repeated to London and Beirut.
