740.0011 European War 1939/12442: Telegram

The Consul General at Beirut (Engert) to the Secretary of State

245. Please inform British authorities that Conty told me this morning the French authorities did not feel the time had come to negotiate. And when I said the terms might not be quite the same later he replied peevishly he could not help that. He said the British military effort had been so feeble that at this rate it would take them 2 months to occupy Syria and by that time “the Germans will wipe up the floor with them and occupy Jerusalem within 48 hours.”

He was in such an irascible mood that after a few minutes I merely told him I would come back another day when he felt less bitter.

Most of his bluster was undoubtedly put on and he said several times that naturally they could not hang on forever. Incidentally I hear from the Turkish Consul General in strict confidence that Conty and several other French officials have already obtained Turkish visas. But so long as Vichy continues to issue the instructions mentioned by the High Commissioner in my 242, June 24, they will of course pretend to fight to the last ditch. Regular Gestapo methods are now being employed and even wives of Frenchmen not in official positions have been warned that they must express only views approved by Vichy or their husbands will suffer the consequences.
