811.20 (D) E. M. D. E./111a: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

2657. For Frank Coe16 from Secretary Morgenthau. Please take up with Hopkins and Harriman17 the question as to how Lend-Lease commercial items purchased by Procurement Treasury are distributed in England. Is the English middleman permitted to make a profit on these items? Get authority from Ambassador Winant and Hopkins to investigate this question yourself. Please give me an answer as soon as possible. [Morgenthau.]

  1. Assistant Director of the Division of Monetary Research, Treasury Department, on detail in London.
  2. W. Averell Harriman, Special Representative of President Roosevelt in the United Kingdom, with rank of Minister, to expedite lend-lease aid to the British Empire.