811.79682/29: Telegram

The Minister in Liberia (Walton) to the Secretary of State

127. Message sent me today from authoritative source at Cape Mount that German agents are watching Pan American Airways development where a considerable quantity of petroleum products are stored. A. Kirstein, who arrived from Germany on Vichy plane December 2, is known to be German agent and suspected of operating clandestine radio transmitter at Cape Mount. Kirstein, formerly a trader at Robertsport, had been in Germany for 1 year. He is in ill health and is said to be well to do. Any business he might transact at Cape Mount would be negligible. Kirstein brought a letter to Doctor Younge sent by latter’s wife which indicates that Younge is somewhere in Africa although generally thought to be in Germany. Younge, former superintendent of hospital conducted by American Episcopal Church at Cape Mount, was also in charge of Liberian Government leper station overlooking Fisherman’s Lake and is well acquainted with that area.

The foregoing and other information regarding German activities in Fisherman’s Lake area are grounds for justifiable apprehension concerning possible overt action against Pan American Airways [Page 544] project and I recommend that precautionary measures be taken immediately to forestall sabotage or surprise attack.
