811.34544/491: Telegram
The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 28—8:05 p.m.]
330. My 294, 25th. From President’s Base Lease Commission. Lord Cranborne81 presided at opening meeting this morning which consisted merely of his address of welcome and replies by Mr. Fahy and the Newfoundland and Bermuda representatives. It was decided that no publicity would be given the discussions until their conclusion and that no verbatim record would be kept of business meetings. This afternoon with Sir Alan Burns presiding the agenda as previously [Page 66] telegraphed was agreed to with addition of following items suggested by us:
- “(a) Items included in draft leases submitted by United States,
- (b) The right of an official to employ such legal assistance as he may require to defend himself in suits involving acts done under the authority or color of his office. This assistance covers attorneys who are not members of the local bar.
- (c) The following paragraphs of the draft agenda require clarification inasmuch as the problem stated is not understood: paragraphs 4 (c), 10, 20 and 21.
- (d) Right to make surveys outside leased areas.
- (e) Upon the signing of the leases immediate possession of the sites shall be given.
It is understood, as a matter of course, that additional agenda may be included from time to time during the discussions, as questions arise.”
We stated that we were prepared to agree to leases as previously drafted, copies of which had been made available. We also stated that agreement on any point during discussion should be considered tentative pending complete final agreement.
Following action was taken on items 1 to 9 of agenda:
- 1.
- Discussion deferred pending receipt of reply to our telegram under reference.
- 2.
- The Chairman suggested that leased areas revert to British Government if not used. We gave our position as indicated under paragraph (u) of Trinidad draft lease and held there could be no reversion except by formal act of our Government. Admiral Bailey raised question on strategic grounds as to whether we would give reasonable notice of intention to abandon any base. It was agreed in principle that there could be no reversion without formal abandonment by us and that reasonable notice of intention to abandon should be given. Question of notice will be further discussed in connection with item 4.
- 3.
- Referred to Boundaries Subcommittee which will meet tomorrow morning. Some colonial representatives expressed opposition to signing leases until exact surveys had been received. We stated that all surveys would presumably not be received in time. Please advise when we may expect to receive them.
- 4.
- Discussion deferred.
- 5., 6. and 7.
- Referred to Jurisdiction Subcommittee meeting tomorrow morning.
- 8.
- (a) Newfoundland delegates questioned possibility of immigration control between bases and adjacent territory unless bases were subject to local immigration requirements. Bermuda representatives raised question of responsibility for laborers brought by private contractors. We maintained United States Government control over both official and private persons should be sufficient. Chairman suggested that this item apparently presented little difficulty and could be left to Drafting Committee.
- (b) We agreed that quarantine regulations as strict as those now locally in force would be acceptable.
- (c) Discussion deferred.
- (d) Agreement in principle was reached that lights be erected in conformity with local navigation rules, and if possible in agreement with local authorities as to position, and that notification would of course be given in notices to mariners.
- (e) Colonial Office expressed the hope bases would not be considered American ports within the meaning of our coastwise shipping laws. Discussion deferred. Please instruct.
- (f) Discussion deferred.
- 9.
- We asked customs provision as given in paragraph (r) of Trinidad lease. Newfoundland, Bermuda and Jamaica representatives expressed strong opposition to free importation of articles of general use on grounds of difficulty of control and of creating specialty favored class in community. Chairman suggested free entry on articles for official use but not on those for personal use. Bermuda objected even to free admission of household effects on first entry. Discussion deferred and this item will probably prove troublesome.
Full committee will meet again tomorrow afternoon. [Base Lease Commission.]
- Secretary of State for the Dominions.↩