740.0011 European War 1939/14641: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Turkey (MacMurray)

155. The following is the text of a telegram sent by the President on September 2, 1941, to the Shah of Iran in response to a message received from the latter:

[Here follows text as printed on page 446.]

You are requested to furnish the Foreign Office informally with a copy of the foregoing message for the confidential information of the Turkish Government.32

With reference to the penultimate paragraph of the President’s message to the Shah, you should inform the Foreign Office that our representatives at London and Moscow were instructed on September 4 to express to the British and Soviet Governments respectively the hope of this Government that sympthetic consideration will be given [Page 452] to the suggestion previously made regarding the advisability of a public statement to all free peoples reiterating the assurances already given to the Iranian Government by the British and Soviet Governments.

  1. In telegram No. 336, September 9, 7 p.m., the Ambassador in Turkey informed the Department that owing to the absence and illness of Turkish officials he had not been able to carry out this instruction until that day (740.0011 European War 1939/14867).