611.9131/141: Telegram

The Minister in Iran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of State

21. Reference Department’s telegram No. 119, November 19;30 and Legation’s despatch No. 8, December 23.31 Prime Minister and Acting Foreign Minister32 are pressing me for information as to Department’s attitude concerning the commercial agreement. They state that Iran is anxious to go ahead with negotiations and is willing to bind itself to purchase 15 to 20 million dollars worth of American goods during next few years.

It seems clear that their anxiety to complete the agreement is based on hope that they will be able to obtain from the United States much needed goods which they are finding it increasingly difficult to obtain from Europe.

I should appreciate an indication of the Department’s opinion as soon as its study is completed.

  1. Foreign Relations, 1940, vol. iii, p. 689.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Ali Mansur and Djevad Amery, respectively.