740.00111A Combat Areas/456: Telegram

The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

571. Department’s telegram 148, May 15, 11 a.m. I brought to the personal attention of the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs46a the appropriate portion of the instruction under reference and I am now in receipt of the following list of commodities to which the Egyptian Government wishes to be accorded priority in the allocation of shipping to and from the United States and Egypt (list 1—priority list of imports; list 2—priority list of exports):

[Here follows list 1; this list, with amounts added, is contained in telegram No. 744, June 17, noon, page 309.]

List 2: (1) Onions; (2) Cotton seed oils; (3) Rice; (4) Beans, lentils and garlic; (5) Natural phosphates of lime; (6) Manganese; (7) Epsom.

Note: With regard to cotton the Government of the United States of America will be notified of its grading later.

The Prime Minister states that the Egyptian Legation in Washington has been furnished with the foregoing list and asks that the Government of the United States “give the utmost help for securing the necessary shipping space”. He adds that as regards the question of the purchase of all quantities of manganese instructions have been given to the competent Egyptian officials to examine the question and notify me of the conditions and specifications.

  1. Sirry Pasha, Prime Minister, acting also as Minister for Foreign Affairs at this time.