811.20 (D) E. M. D. E./103: Telegram

The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

881. For Hopkins from Harriman.

“With approval of others involved General Haining, newly appointed Intendant General, requests American representative on material aid problems as outlined in cable No. 822, June 25, 7 p.m.

Recommend immediate appointment of Lieutenant Colonel Piburn30 at least for present. He should remain in his present status attached to Legation but authorized to cable you with copies to me [Page 286] when London is involved. Funds for clerical, cable, travel, and other expenses should be placed at his disposal.

Would greatly appreciate quick reply as am planning leave for London shortly.”

  1. In telegram No. 282, July 9, 6 p.m., Minister Kirk and Mr. Harriman were informed that the War Department had approved this appointment.