
The Consul General at Calcutta (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

No. 258

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s airmail instruction of March 24, 1941 (File No. 645C.116/1 [645.116/48]) instructing this Consulate General to request the Government of India to relax its current import restrictions in favor of shipments of supplies to American missionary societies and philanthropic institutions in India.

This request has now been granted. A copy of the communication to this effect just received from the Government of India is enclosed.

It is requested that the Department take steps to inform the appropriate American organizations of this change in procedure, as this Consulate General is not in a position to determine which of the local establishments may be eligible for the benefits accruing under the new ruling.

Respectfully yours,

T. M. Wilson

The Under Secretary to the Government of India (Pringle) to the American Consul General at Calcutta (Wilson)

No. 350 (44)–(I. T. C.)/41

Sir: With reference to your letter No. 660 dated the 7th May 1941,50 I am directed to say that, having regard to the special circumstances of the case, the Government of India have been pleased to sanction the issue of special licences for such goods as may be imported by American Missionary Societies, and philanthropic institutions, and are free gifts from the United States of America and which, therefore, involve no transfer of foreign exchange. The licences will accordingly be marked “Custom Licence: Not valid for transfer of foreign exchange”.

[Page 207]

2. Necessary instructions are being issued to the Import Trade Controllers and the organizations in question may be instructed to apply for the licences, when required, to the Import Trade Controller concerned giving full details (e. g. description, value, etc.) of each importation.

I have [etc.]

R. J. Pringle
  1. Not printed.