811.20 Defense(M)/3500: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Turkey ( MacMurray )

180. Your No. 374, October 7, 4 p.m., your 375, October 8, 4 p.m., and your 378, October 9, 7 p.m.48 The Department concurs in the representations which you made to the Turkish Foreign Minister, and takes note of Saraçoğlu’s remarks in reply. It agrees that no further representations to the Turkish authorities appear necessary at this time with regard to the Turkish-German trade agreement or to the joint communiqué issued at the time of its signature.

While neither the Turkish action in agreeing to sell chrome to Germany in 1943 nor the joint communiqué are pleasing to this Government, it is considered preferable to endeavor to strengthen our economic ties with Turkey as much as possible in the near future, by such means as finding tonnage to lift Turkish chrome and tobacco, and effort will be made in this direction at once. If this can be accomplished, the principal German argument for trade with Turkey will be obviated. However, an immediate suggestion along this line to the [Page 964] Turks would give a false impression of our reaction to the German agreement, and no mention of the matter will be made until tonnage can be guaranteed.

  1. Ante, pp. 958, 960, and 908, respectively.