811.20 Defense(M)/3364a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
3912. Department has received following telegram from Ankara (in paraphrase):
[Here follows paraphrase of telegram No. 344, September 17, 6 p.m., from the Ambassador in Turkey, printed on page 943.]
[Page 945]The British Embassy here has no late information as to the present state of the negotiations which it understands are currently going on in Ankara for the purchase by the British of the entire 1942 output of Turkish chrome. The Department considers that it is of great importance that an agreement be reached for the acquisition of this chrome by the British or by the British and the United States combined, and even is prepared to recommend that the Federal Loan Agency assume the financial cost of acquiring all this chrome if it cannot be had in any other way. It is accordingly the inclination of the Department to telegraph to the American Ambassador at Ankara requesting him to join with the British Ambassador to Turkey in a joint approach to the Turkish Government looking forward to a contract for joint acquisition of the 1942 chrome production. Indeed the Department is prepared, in view of the high importance of the successful conclusion of this undertaking, to recommend that such other steps as may be desirable such as the furnishing of ships for the transportation of Turkish tobacco to the United States be facilitated by this Government in order to supplement the corresponding effort of the British which it is understood has already resulted in a recent purchase of approximately £4,000,000 in value of wool, olive oil, mohair and valonia. The Department has determined, however, not to make the request of the American Ambassador in Ankara above referred to until it has received further information from you as to the status of the Turkish negotiations. You are accordingly requested to telegraph this information urgently and to give your opinion as to whether the suggested instruction to Ankara is the best approach which can be made.
The final paragraph of this telegram has been repeated to Ankara.30
In telegram No. 160, September 19, 7 p.m., with the addition of the following paragraph:
“You are requested to telegraph such information as you may have as to the current status of the negotiations between the British and the Turkish Governments for the purchase of chrome”. (811.20 Defense (M)/3289a)