740.0011 European War 1939/9232a: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Yugoslavia (Lane)
51. I am so impressed with your able handling of the present delicate situation that I desire you to make this further attempt to clearly impress upon Prince Paul and such members of the Government as you can reach:
- (1)
- That information reaching us confirms the Italian debacle in Albania. That not only have the British forces attacked and destroyed Italian naval units and convoys, but the Greek troops have inflicted such losses upon the Italian military attempts that there can be little effort from that quarter at this time which would really threaten Yugoslav safety.
- (2)
- The landing of the British in Greece is at the present time ahead of schedule and the terrain advantageous to withstanding any thrusts the Germans may be able to make against the positions that have been taken up.
- (3)
- The attitude of the Turkish Government is now clear and we understand known to the Yugoslav Government by direct contact from Ankara.
- (4)
- The United States, as long as Yugoslavia retains her entire independence and freedom of action in defense of her own territory, is prepared to offer all facilities under the Lend-Lease Bill which is now law, and finally, in accordance with the terms of the message recently sent you in that regard, those Yugoslav assets which are now on deposit in the United States will remain at her disposal as long as in the interpretation of this Government Yugoslavia remains a free and independent country.
I have talked with Minister Fotitch this afternoon, clearly expressing to him the views of the President, which coincide with the above and which I have asked him to convey to his Government. You may refer to these views in any conversations and express the hope that [Page 962] they may be given the weight they deserve, not only in the present situation but in the future which we must all look forward to.