The Department of State to the Soviet Embassy
With respect to the exchange of notes continuing in force the 1937 commercial agreement with the Soviet Union, without the accompanying [Page 925] related notes exchanged in 1940, it should be noted that if at any time during the agreement year it should appear that imports of Soviet coal into the United States would exceed the figure of 400,000 tons mentioned in the Soviet note of August 6, 1940 limiting exports of coal to the United States, the Government of the United States would feel free to consult with the Soviet Government with a view to arriving at a satisfactory adjustment of the matter.
- An attached notation dated July 30, 1941, by Loy W. Henderson, Assistant Chief of the Division of European Affairs, reads as follows: “During the course of the Soviet Ambassador’s call this afternoon he was handed a copy of the attached aide-mémoire, with the understanding that it will be initialed when the notes are signed. The Ambassador was informed that although the aide-mémoire will not be published, it will not be regarded as confidential in character.”↩