811.2222 (1940)/39
The Secretary of State to the Swiss Minister (Bruggmann)
The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the Honorable the Minister of Switzerland and referring to the Legation’s aide-mémoire of September 6, 1940, concerning the question of liability for military service under Section 3 (a) of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 in the cases of Swiss citizens residing in this country who may have made declarations of intention to become American citizens, informs him that a reply has been received from the War Department which was furnished with a copy of the Legation’s aide-mémoire.
The Secretary of War states that:
“The Director of Selective Service is informed of possible complications arising out of treaties with nations where dual citizenship is recognized. It is not expected that any serious complication will result from this problem inasmuch as the only complication which can arise will come from the individual who invokes his rights under the treaties recognizing dual citizenship.
“Any National of another country who has expressed his intention of becoming a citizen but who objects to military service under the Selective Training and Service Act can by denouncing his intention to become a citizen gain the status of an alien and thereby escape service. He will, of course, thereby also forfeit any rights which may accrue to him through a declaration of intention of becoming a citizen.”