800.6354/254: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 20—2:10 p.m.]
1100. At the meeting of the International Tin Committee today the quota for the third and fourth quarters of the current year was fixed at 130 percent of the standard tonnages.
“The Committee made and forwarded to the signatory governments a recommendation under article 3 of the present Control Scheme that the Scheme should be continued for a further period from January 1, 1942. They also suggested certain amendments to the Scheme.”
Campbell states that the Committee meeting reached its decision surprisingly quickly and easily, and, in brief, it is that the production for the period July 1940 to June 1941 shall determine the standard quotas except in the event of Japanese action in the Far East, in which case the year ending March 31 shall govern.
Señores Patiño and Ortiz-Linares called at the Embassy yesterday but did not invoke our good offices and seemed perplexed by a telegram in this connection which they had received from the Bolivian Minister in Washington. Aside from paying their respects all they desired was certain information regarding correspondence between the American and British Governments regarding the purchases of tin and tin ore.