585.61B1/596: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

3014. Your despatch 1043, July 28, regarding Load Lines.38 This Government has concluded that because of the fundamental character of the change in conditions underlying the Load Line Convention, it is free to declare the convention suspended during the present emergency. In view of the existing shortage of tonnage, it is expected that such action will be taken within the next few days after which load lines will be fixed by the Secretary of Commerce under the act of Congress approved March 2, 1929 stipulating that no line shall be established which, in the judgment of the Secretary, “is above the actual line of safety”.

The Department appreciates the objections advanced by the British Government to the “unqualified suspension of the convention” but considers that the formula proposed by that Government in addition to involving further delay will afford only partial relief in certain lines of trade of importance to the United States.

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Please advise the Foreign Office in the sense of the foregoing and state that you will again communicate with it when public announcement of this Government’s purpose shall have been made.

  1. Not printed; but see telegram No. 3218, July 26, 3 p.m., from the Ambassador in the United Kingdom, p. 489.