340.1115A/2370a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

439. Department is receiving numerous requests for relief on behalf of American citizens in enemy territories. After the exchange of official personnel is completed it is hoped that similar arrangements may be negotiated for repatriation of non-official American civilians, thus reducing to a minimum number of Americans remaining abroad who may require relief. It probably will not, however, be possible to postpone until then necessary relief payments.

It is the Department’s hope that the Legation at Bern as in the last war will be able to act as a clearing house for requests filed by applicants with Swiss representatives in enemy territories. The Department would therefore appreciate receiving as soon as possible your recommendations to assist it in drawing up necessary procedure for handling such payments by your office through the Swiss Government.

Please bear in mind that relief if authorized will be accorded only to American citizens who can qualify for loans in accordance with the provisions of circular instruction of March 21, 1939,52 as amended by circular of August 12, 1941, Diplomatic Serial 3382, and that amount to be advanced for relief should not be in excess of minimum necessary for ordinary subsistence, or for other essential extraordinary needs, such as urgent medical attention.

It is suggested that a separate relief section might well be set up in the Legation and that a qualified ranking officer be charged with this responsibility. Your recommendations will, of course, receive the Department’s sympathetic consideration.
