
The Chargé to the Polish Government in Exile (Schoenfeld) to the Polish Minister for Foreign Affairs (Zaleski)45

No. 1

Excellency: I have the honor to refer to the request of the Polish Government for the agrément to the nomination of Monsieur Jan Ciechanowski, at present Secretary General of the Polish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Polish Government in Washington and to convey to your Excellency the following message.

The Government of the United States understands and appreciates the desire of the Polish Government to make a change in its representation in Washington. It has noted that the Polish Government has been desirous of sending to the United States persons in the confidence of the Polish Government to carry on activities in specific fields, probably because the present Polish Ambassador in Washington has for some time been out of touch with his Government and because the Polish Government feels that there are other persons who being more familiar with its plans and policies can therefore better represent it [Page 223] in the United States. That the Polish Government desires to be represented in Washington by a diplomatic representative who has witnessed European developments since the beginning of the war is appreciated.

It is however the feeling of the Government of the United States that it would not be carrying on its usual frank and close relationship with the Polish Government if it did not point out that some of the Polish representatives who have recently come to the United States and who have been clothed with authority to deal with specific questions have greatly enlarged their field of activity. For example, Dr. L. Rajchman, who, according to the statement of the Polish Government, was sent to the United States as a delegate in connection with Polish relief, has engaged in activities in the field of political relations not only insofar as matters between the United States and Poland are concerned but also in regard to matters concerning other Governments.

The Government of the United States feels sure that the Polish Government will understand and agree with the practice of the United States Government to limit its discussion of matters pertaining to foreign affairs to conversations with the duly accredited diplomatic representatives of the countries concerned. In order therefore that there shall be no need for any special representatives of the Polish Government in the United States, the Government of the United States has great pleasure in stating that the President has been pleased to grant his agrément to the nomination of M. Jan Ciechanowski as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Polish Government in Washington, on the assumption that prior to this change of diplomatic representation the Polish Government will withdraw from the United States Dr. Rajchman and any of its official representatives now there and that it will henceforth vest full authority to deal with all matters which may arise in the relations between the United States and Poland in its accredited diplomatic representative.

Accept [etc.]

Rudolf E. Schoenfeld
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by The Chargé in his despatch No. 4, November 7, 1940; received November 23.
  2. Subsequent to the defeat of France, the French Government had given notice that Polish diplomatic representation should be withdrawn by September 23, 1940. Toward the end of June, Polish authorities were already transferring to Great Britain. The American Chargé, Rudolf E. Schoenfeld, first called upon the Polish Foreign Minister in London on September 21, 1940.