The Polish Ambassador (Potocki) to the Secretary of State 25
The Ambassador of Poland presents his compliments to the Secretary of State and upon instructions from his Government has the honor to inform him that in view of the proposed military registration on the territory of the Republic of Poland occupied by the armies of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, of all men from the age of 18 to 50 and of women trained as nurses which later will make them eligible for military service, the Government of the Republic of Poland following their protest previously submitted regarding the allegiance of these territories to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, by note of October 23, 1939, Nr. 49/Sow/SZ–tjn–4 and confirmed by the Secretary of State October 24, 1939, and referring to the existing rules of the international law, hereby protest against this new violation of international law and its usages. The Polish Government draws attention to the fact that the eventual compelling of Polish citizens to enter the ranks of the army of the State, which by aggression is occupying part of the territory of Poland, would cause a great loss in human lives, for which the Government of Poland is already holding responsible the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
No. 49–Sow/SZ/–tjn–1
- This note was acknowledged by the Secretary of State on February 20, 1940.↩