The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier (White)79
Sir: The Department has received your despatch no. 27 of September 12, 1940 transmitting a request of the French Resident General that the provisions of a dahir of August 8, 1940, providing for increased taxation on petroleum products, be made applicable to American nationals and American protected persons in the French Zone of Morocco.
You may inform the French Resident General that this Government consents to the application of this dahir to American nationals and American protected persons as of the date this Government’s consent is conveyed to the French Resident General, provided that the dahir is applied also to all other nationals without discrimination and subject to the reservation of the jurisdiction of American Consular Courts over cases arising under this dahir, in which persons under American jurisdiction may be concerned. A specific reservation should be made to the effect that no search may be undertaken of private dwellings or business premises under the provisions of Article 7, except with the previous consent of the American Consul and with the assistance of a delegate of the American Consulate at Casablanca.
You should add in your communication to the French Resident General that your Government’s consent to this tax has been given in view of the exceptional economic conditions in French Morocco and, accordingly, that such consent is temporary in character and subject to subsequent withdrawal.
Very truly yours,
- Similar instructions as No. 12, November 1, and No. 18, November 25, in reply to despatches No. 1546, July 5, and No. 55, October 14, respectively, not printed.↩