
The Chargé in Morocco (Doolittle) to the Secretary of State

No. 1530

Sir: In further reference to despatch No. 1523, which transmitted a copy of the French Residency General’s reply dated January 9, 1940, to Mr. Blake’s Note of September 18, 1939, formulating reservations in respect of wartime legislation in French Morocco, I now have the honor to enclose herewith copies of the French text, and English translation, of the French Residency General’s acknowledgment, dated February 8, 1940, of Mr. Blake’s further Note of January 9, 1940, drawn up in pursuance of the Department’s Instruction No. 1054 of December 4, 1939, (File No. 681.006/67) on the same subject.

Respectfully yours,

H. A. Doolittle
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The Secretary General of the French Residency General in Morocco (Morize) to the American Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier (Blake)

Mr. Diplomatic Agent: By letter of 9th January last, you have been good enough to give me certain complementary information concerning the reservations which you had formulated, under date of September 18, 1939, with regard to the application in the French Zone of Morocco of the various commercial and financial measures taken, since the commencement of hostilities.

In this connection I can only confirm the terms of my letter of January 9, in which I had the honor to define the character of these measures and the spirit in which the Shereefian Government contemplates applying them.

I add that the Residency General has taken note of the new considerations which you have been good enough to set forth in the second part of your aforementioned letter.

Please accept [etc.]

J. Morize