The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Lothian)
Excellency: I have the honor to refer to your Aide-Mémoire dated July 8, 1940, proposing a general interchange of secret technical information between the United States and British Governments, particularly in the ultra short wave radio field.
I have brought your Aide-Mémoire to the attention of the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, who now state that they are prepared to undertake conversations with a small secret British Mission, consisting of two or three service officers and civilian scientists. The furnishing of any technical or scientific information to your Government will, of course, be based on the understanding that the procurement of related articles or devices from sources of supply in this country will be subject to approval by the War and Navy Departments, such approval being dependent upon non-interference with our own procurement program.
General Sherman Miles, Assistant Chief of Staff of the War Department, and Rear Admiral Walter S. Anderson, Director of Naval Intelligence, have been designated representatives of the War and Navy Departments, respectively, to coordinate the details for the interchange of information covered in your Aide-Mémoire. It is suggested that, in the first instance, your Air Attaché and the scientific assistant to the Air Attaché communicate with General Miles and Rear Admiral Anderson with a view to discussing the scope of the proposed conversations and also in order that the British Mission, before its departure for the United States, may be informed of the information in which the War and Navy Departments are interested.
Accept [etc.]