Executive Agreement Series No. 181
The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Lothian)
Excellency: I have received your note of September 2, 1940, of which the text is as follows:
[Here follows text of note printed supra.]
I am directed by the President to reply to your note as follows:
[Page 75]The Government of the United States appreciates the declarations and the generous action of His Majesty’s Government as contained in your communication which are destined to enhance the national security of the United States and greatly to strengthen its ability to cooperate effectively with the other nations of the Americas in the defense of the Western Hemisphere. It therefore gladly accepts the proposals.
The Government of the United States will immediately designate experts to meet with experts designated by His Majesty’s Government to determine upon the exact location of the naval and air bases mentioned in your communication under acknowledgment.
In consideration of the declarations above quoted, the Government of the United States will immediately transfer to His Majesty’s Government fifty United States Navy destroyers generally referred to as the twelve hundred-ton type.
Accept [etc.]