
The Greek Minister (Diamantopoulos) to the Secretary of State
No. 2252

Mister Secretary: I am requested by my Government to bring to your Excellency’s attention that the Greek General Staff is in urgent need of some assistance in order to secure war materials in the United States.

I have made every effort to ascertain whether it would be possible to purchase some in open market; but, unfortunately, they have been sold long ago. Hence, I have left copies of the list with Mr. Wallace Murray and Mr. Philip Young, requesting them to be good enough to let me know whether these materials could be obtained from the War or Navy Departments. Up to the present time, as I am informed, the only available ones are 10,000 shells of 57 calibre ammunition.

The Greek Government fully realizes that due to the American and British Defense needs, it would be difficult to secure immediately from the United States all the necessary military supplies. For this reason, my Government has requested me to appeal to Your Excellency so that, from the aforesaid numerous war materials, the most urgently needed be furnished for the defense of the country, namely:

  • 40,000—75 m/m shells for Schneider Mountain Gun Type, 1919
  • 10,000—105 m/m shells of Schneider Gun Type, 1925
  • 10,000—155 m/m shells of Schneider Gun Type, 1917

Besides, my Government is expecting a favorable decision on their planes request of which Your Excellency is fully aware.

I am in the belief that you will find this appeal in accordance with the general policies of the United States Government as they have been authoritatively set forth.

Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

C. Diamantopoulos