
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Murray)

The Greek Minister called on me by appointment on November 12 and left with me the attached memorandum76 setting forth in some detail the various items of military material which the Minister states is urgently needed by his Government and the furnishing of which his Government hopes will be facilitated by every possible means by this Government. The Minister added that this matter had been taken up with the British Government with a request that if necessary the British purchasing authorities in this country assist the Greek Government in obtaining these supplies.

Mr. Diamantopoulos added that his Government earnestly hoped in this connection that credits for the purchase of the present supplies could be furnished not only by the American Government but also by private concerns with which the orders would be placed.

The Minister also remarked that the present communication could be taken by us as an indication that the Greek Government desires it to handle orders of this kind exclusively through its Legation in Washington and that the endeavors of agents hitherto acting for the Greek Government in connection with such orders could in the future be ignored.

I told the Minister that I would bring his communication and remarks to the immediate attention of the appropriate authorities.

  1. Not printed