740.0011 European War 1939/3142: Telegram

The Minister in Greece (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State

97. Regarding the assurances of the Italian Minister reported in my telegram No. 81, May 4, 2 p.m., the King confirmed to me today that if Italy enters the war without attacking in the Balkans, Greece hopes it may be posssible to remain non-belligerent at least for a time though to maintain such a policy would be “like balancing on a knife edge” if Italy and the Allies should take to fighting over the use of Greek harbors and islands. Under direct attack from Italy he said his fears for Athens would be chiefly in connection with air bombardment and added that he has hopes of assistance from British air forces in such an eventuality.

The Swedish Chargé d’Affaires asked the Director General of the Foreign Office this morning how Greece could justify remaining nonbelligerent if Turkey fulfilled her obligations to the Allies and the latter replied that Greece’s obligations to Turkey arise only in case that country is attacked and not if she attacks others in fulfillment of her own engagements.

One class reservists of all arms was called today for a month’s “training” to begin May 25.
