611.83241/80: Telegram

The Chargé in Egypt ( Hare ) to the Secretary of State

63. In a circular note to all signatories of the Montreux Convention delivered to this Legation on May 654 the Foreign Office transmitted a draft consular convention and gave notice of the termination on May 8 of the special regime specified in the third paragraph of Article Number 11 of the Montreux Convention. Beginning today and pending the conclusion of a consular convention such immunities would be extended in accordance with international law and usage on the basis of reciprocity. In this connection the Foreign Office has requested a statement with reference to the treatment of Egyptian consular officers in the United States. Am I authorized to reply in the sense of the Department’s instruction Number 75 of March 12, 193555 pointing out that the American Government does not limit the number of Egyptian consular officers entitled to customs exemption? Copy of the note and draft convention sent in today’s pouch.

  1. Supra.
  2. Not printed.