811.20 (D) Regulations/3652

Memorandum by Mr. Edward Page, Jr., of the Division of European Affairs to Mr. Alexander Schnee of the Division of Controls

Mr. Schnee: Many thanks for bringing this matter to my attention. There would appear to be no objection to the issuance of the attached license25 since the Soviet Union has been in past years a fairly large purchaser of non-aviation gasoline for shipment to Vladivostok. Shipments so far this year (not including that contemplated in the attached license) have amounted to:

January–September 559,571 barrels
October 246,310
November 1–25   ---
Total 805,881 barrels.

If the present purchase amounting to about 521,000 barrels is included in the 1940 exports, a total of approximately 1,325,000 barrels will have been exported to the Soviet Union. This is below former annual exports amounting in the past to an average of 1,500,000 barrels.

  1. Not attached to file copy of this document.