740.0011 European War 1939/34872/10: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Kennedy)

1120. From the Under Secretary. Your 1524, June 6, 5 p.m. The Secretary and I feel that the suggestion contained in the last paragraph of your telegram is admirable. It seems to us, however, that [Page 34] a statement of the character you suggest would carry more conviction if made by the British purchasing agent in the United States and given publicity through British governmental agencies in London.

I have brought up the question with Lord Lothian and he assures me that he will undertake to see that this is done immediately.

As you have probably been informed, War and Navy have now released to private manufacturers for immediate resale to the British and French Governments a very considerable amount of armaments and ammunition, together with a considerable number of airplanes. In all probability the number of airplanes to be made available can be still further increased.

If you feel any additional statement is desirable, please telegraph accordingly. [Welles.]
