740.0011 European War 1939/6749: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Ireland (Gray)

77. Your 102, November 18, 1 p.m. Please communicate to Mr. De Valera at the earliest opportunity the following views which represent the substance of my reply to the Irish Minister, when on November 9, he handed me a copy of Mr. De Valera’s speech of November 7 with regard to the utilization of Irish ports by Great Britain:

I said that undoubtedly his Government had good reason for its policy but it seemed to us that through its attitude the Irish Government is jeopardizing its own security. What would be the situation of the Irish people if Germany should defeat Britain or should be in a position to dominate the British Isles? There would be no question in those circumstances of freedom or democracy for the Irish people.

The utilization of the Irish ports apparently was imperative to the success of the British Navy under present conditions. Although there had been no approach to this Government by the British Government with regard to this matter I was moved to express an opinion because my view coincides with that of virtually the entire American press and the vast preponderance of public opinion as well.
