841D.24/24: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Ireland (Gray)
57. Your 168 [68], August 15, 5 p.m. As the Department informed you in its telegram of June 208 and as the Irish Minister here was informed at the time, it was then believed that the Irish Government’s needs could be met, at least in part. This now appears impossible and the Irish Minister has been informed that no rifles are available for sale at this time.
For your own confidential information the final 80,000 Lee-Enfield rifles were sold at the President’s direction to Canada through the British Purchasing Commission. The Irish Minister has been informed of this sale and it has been suggested to him that the possibility of supplying Ireland’s needs from the quantity sold to Canada be discussed with the British or Canadians. It is understood that there have recently been discussions between the Irish Minister and the British Purchasing Commission on this subject.
- Telegram No. 39, not printed.↩