841D.01/179: Telegram
The Minister in Ireland (Gray) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 18—11 a.m.]
16. Premier1 confidentially requests me to inquire whether possible for our Government to proclaim Irish status quo vital to American interests in view of strategic position commanding Atlantic air and sea traffic; considers it would greatly strengthen his leadership; if reply favorable he would consult his Legislature and make formal approval. Situation very complicated, army’s ability to cope with parachute raid in conjunction with submarine arms landing and Fifth Column with aim of establishing temporary air bases as diversion very doubtful. Premier asked me not to request permission for our Military Attaché2 to inspect dispositions on ground Germans might ask same privilege. They doubtless know them. Premier admits privately he depends for protection on Great Britain but says he dare not authorize staff consultations for fear of bad effect on public opinion. Urgently trying to obtain 500 machine guns from Great Britain. He says but small minority disloyal to the Government but dares not arm volunteer force. Asked if he intends to prepare public mind for the realities replied yes but slowly. He lacks a positive formula for rallying support. Declines thus far to make material concessions that might bring about concerted action with North.