740.00111 A.R./672
The Secretary of the Governing Board of the Pan American Union (De Alba) to the Secretary of State
My Dear Mr. Secretary: At the meeting held on November 1, the Governing Board of the Pan American Union approved the Report of the Special Committee that had been appointed to consider the resolution on the Inter-American Neutrality Committee created by a resolution of the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the American Republics held recently at Panama. In the Report approved by the Governing Board it is provided that this Committee should be composed of representatives from the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, the United States of America, and Venezuela. At the same session it was provided that the seat of the Committee should be in Rio de Janeiro. It devolves, therefore, upon the Government of the United States to designate a member to serve on the Committee.
It will be greatly appreciated if you will inform the Pan American Union of the Representative who may be designated by the Government of the United States to serve on the Inter-American Neutrality Committee.5
I beg to remain [etc.]
- By a note of November 28, 1939, the Brazilian Ambassador informed the Acting Secretary of State that his Government had scheduled the inauguration of the work of the Committee for January 15, 1940.↩