817.001 Somoza/81
The Under Secretary of State (Welles) to the Minister in Nicaragua (Nicholson)
My Dear Mr. Nicholson: I wish to thank you for your letter of April 4, 193910 with regard to the visit of President Somoza to this country.
The appropriate officers of the Department are giving careful study to the proposals which it is understood will be advanced by President Somoza. While it is unlikely that it will be possible to give satisfaction to all of the Nicaraguan proposals, I am hopeful that something tangible may emerge from our conversations which will be of benefit in our relations with Nicaragua and at the same time contribute to the success of the visit.
[Page 725]I have given careful consideration to your suggestions for the purchase of the Corn Islands by this Government. While this idea has been found of interest, I doubt that the Congress would give its approval to the purchase of these islands when they are already under a long-term lease to this Government.
With my very kind regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
- Not printed.↩