
Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Gerald A. Drew of the Division of the American Republics

Participants: Julián R. Cáceres2
Laurence Duggan3
Gerald A. Drew

Mr. Duggan referred to a recent inquiry from Dr. Cáceres with regard to a newspaper report in Habana that American officials had proceeded to Swan Island in connection with the establishment of a meteorological station. Mr. Duggan said that this was correct and explained that the station had been established this year on the same basis as in 1938. He said that the purpose of the station was to give warnings of the approach of hurricanes which was of vital interest to the Governments of this country, Cuba and others in the Caribbean area. He assured Dr. Cáceres that this action does not imply any intention on the part of this Government to modify the situation with respect to the sovereignty over Swan Islands. …

Dr. Cáceres asked if it would not be possible for the Department to address a note to his Government giving assurances that the establishment of the meteorological station was not intended to affect the respective claims of the two Governments to the Island. Mr. Duggan expressed the view that this would not be necessary and referred in that connection to the action of the Honduran Government in 1938 in appointing a fiscal agent on Swan Island. He pointed out that this Government had refrained from registering any protest against this action in a desire to avoid introducing any complications into the question. It was intimated that it would be desirable for the Honduran Government to adopt a similar attitude toward the establishment of the observation station.

At Dr. Cáceres’ request, Mr. Duggan agreed that he could inform his Government that it had been agreed that the steps referred to [Page 651] would not be made the subject of correspondence between the two Governments and would not be considered as in any way affecting the respective contentions of the parties.

Dr. Cáceres expressed his satisfaction with the understanding reached in the conversation.

  1. Honduran Chargé.
  2. Chief of the Division of the American Republics.