611.3731/2175: Telegram

The Under Secretary of State (Welles) to the Secretary of State

8. For Duggan. My No. 4, September 22, noon. I had a full conversation last night with the Cuban delegation.

It would be my suggestion that the negotiator mentioned in section 3 of your No. 8, September 21, 7 p.m. be sent to Cuba within about a week’s time and that upon his arrival in Habana the Embassy be authorized to make a brief public statement to the effect that negotiations are being undertaken for the conclusion of a supplementary trade agreement which will embrace both the sugar and tobacco questions as well as the solution of matters of interest to the United States. I would further suggest that there be a perfectly clear understanding between the two Governments that while these negotiations would be undertaken and the conclusion of the supplementary trade agreement expedited as much as possible the supplementary agreement if reached will not be made effective until and unless the Cuban Government gives us satisfaction on the questions detailed in our official communications to the Cuban Government of the past few months.

This is the tentative understanding I have reached with the Cuban Secretary of State and with Lopez Castro and Martínez Fraga. They are convinced that this is the most effective way of obtaining prompt action by their own Government because of their belief that as soon as public opinion in Cuba knows that a satisfactory supplementary trade agreement has been reached and that its going into effect is only contingent upon the solution of our requests the Cuban Congress would be forced to take favorable action.

I am very anxious for obvious reasons to reach a firm understanding in the above sense as soon as possible.
