740.00111 A.R./255
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Duggan) to the Under Secretary of State (Welles)
There is attached the map17 about which I spoke to you this morning, drawn by Mr. Boggs.18 The radius of the neutral zone is 300 nautical miles, which is the equivalent of 345.47 statute miles. Mr. Boggs suggests the use of nautical miles because that is the terminology used and understood by mariners.
I have gone over with Mr. Boggs the question of the northern and southern termini of the zone and offer for your consideration the following definition of the zone:
300 nautical miles from the coast of the mainland or neighboring islands of the American Republics between the following parallels of latitude:
- (a)
- In the Atlantic, between 44°46´36″ North Latitude, except the territorial waters of any part of Canada included within this area, and 60° South Latitude;
- (b)
- In the Pacific, between 48°29´38″. 11 North Latitude and 60° South Latitude.
On the Atlantic side, therefore, the line would start in Passamaquoddy Bay and would extend east along the parallel mentioned until striking the territorial waters of Nova Scotia. It would follow the limits of territorial waters of Nova Scotia on the west, south and east coasts until it reaches the same parallel.
[Page 26]On the Pacific side, the line would start at the boundary terminus in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, which is the agreed upon boundary with Canada.