832.5151/1275a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Brazil (Scotten)
20. What information can the Embassy secure as regards the details of exchange payments due American exporters. Can the Embassy procure from the Brazilian authorities material on the following: (a) amount of delayed exchange due American exporters for which no contracts have been issued; (b) amount of outstanding contracts which have been issued and which have not yet matured, subdivided into such time periods as may be feasible and significant; (c) division of the preceding along commodity lines. If nothing more is available, is it possible to tell how much of the preceding totals are due to oil companies.
Department is urgently in need of all available information on these points as it is trying to formulate immediately the basis of prospective discussions with the Brazilian Foreign Minister.
Can the Embassy also furnish estimate as to amount of earnings of American corporations in Brazil which might be transferred to this country if exchange could be secured.