740.00111 A.R./24a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)

168. For the Ambassador from the Under Secretary.6 My telegram no. 165 of September 3, 9 [11] a.m. Our draft agenda is quoted hereafter. Please go over it with Aranha and let me have the benefit of his views and suggestions as to any amendments et cetera as quickly as possible.


I. Neutrality

Consideration of the rights and duties of neutrals and belligerents in the present situation with a view to the preservation of the integral sovereignty and the peace of the nations of the Western Hemisphere;

Steps to be taken in common or individually:

To suppress violations of neutrality and subversive activities by nationals of belligerent countries or others seeking to promote the interests of belligerent powers in the territory and jurisdiction of any or all of the American Republics.
To enforce the obligations of belligerent public and merchant vessels and aircraft in neutral territorial waters and areas.
To safeguard the carrying on of legitimate international trade, commerce, and communications of the American Republics on the high seas, on land and in the air.
To discharge neutral obligations toward belligerent nations.

[Page 18]

II. Protection of the Peace of the Western Hemisphere

Consideration of measures to preserve the American continent free from conflict whether on land, in the air, within territorial waters, or within the area of the primary defense of the Western Hemisphere.

III. Economic Cooperation

Consideration of measures to safeguard in the present situation the economic and financial stability of the American Republics. Such measures include:

Measures to preserve commercial and financial interests of the American Republics.
Continuation and expansion of long-term programs for commercial and economic cooperation among the American Republics.”

  1. Sumner Welles.