722.2315/1299: Telegram

The Chargé in Peru (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of State

54. Official communiqué published today announces that Ecuadoran soldiers in command of an officer, who were on left bank of Zarumilla River opened fire treacherously on Peruvian police force killing two. When the Peruvian police returned the fire the Ecuadoran regulars withdrew. Peruvian regulars arrived on the scene but did not participate in the clash, one Peruvian soldier reported missing.

Minister for Foreign Affairs has protested to Ecuadoran Minister here and has instructed Peruvian Chargé d’Affaires at Quito to request Ecuadoran Government to disavow the attack and violation of status quo declining Peruvian responsibility for consequences and claims that may arise therefrom.

Local press makes no comment on the incident.
